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Lake Tahoe


We welcome you to participate in the 6th NIPS Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning, to be held at:
Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA, Dec 9th, 2013

Call for Participation

We invite participation in the 6th International Workshop on "Optimization for Machine Learning", to be held as a part of the NIPS 2013 conference.

Research contributions from the community form an integral part of our program and we invite papers for oral and poster presentation in the workshop. We encourage authors to not only submit finished pieces of work, but also works currently in progress that you would like to announce and get feedback on.

To encourage authors to submit cutting-edge work, the workshop will offer a best paper award as recognition. We also encourage submissions describing practical systems and softwares that have been implemented to address various optimization problems that arise in machine learning.

Note: OPT2013 does not prohibit dual submission; as long as your original venue is ok with it, feel free to submit to OPT2013.

The main topics are, including, but not limited to:

Important Dates

Please note that at least one author of each accepted paper must be available to present the paper at the workshop.