OPT 2010: 3rd International Workshop on Optimization for Machine Learning
Call for Participation
We invite high quality submissions for presentation (talks or poster presentations), or open problems during the workshop. We are especially interested in
participants who can contribute theory / algorithms, applications, or
implementations with a machine learning focus in the following areas:
- Stochastic, Parallel and Online Optimization:
- Large-scale learning, massive data sets
- Distributed algorithms
- Optimization on massively parallel architectures
- Optimization using GPUs, Streaming algorithms
- Decomposition for large-scale, message-passing and online learning
- Stochastic approximation
- Randomized algorithms
- Algorithms and Techniques (application oriented):
- Global and Lipschitz optimization
- Algorithms for non-smooth optimization
- Linear and higher-order relaxations
- Polyhedral combinatorics applications to ML problems
- Non-Convex Optimization:
- Non-convex quadratic programming, including binary QPs
- Convex Concave Decompositions, D.C. Programming, EM
- Training of deep architectures and large hidden variable models
- Approximation Algorithms
- Optimization with Sparsity constraints:
- Combinatorial methods for L0 norm minimization
- L1, Lasso, Group Lasso, sparse PCA, sparse Gaussians
- Rank minimization methods
- Feature and subspace selection
- Combinatorial Optimization:
- Optimization in Graphical Models
- Structure learning
- MAP estimation in continuous and discrete random fields
- Clustering and graph-partitioning
- Semi-supervised and multiple-instance learning
Submission Instructions
- The submissions should be ideally 4 pages long. Hard-limit: 6 pages.
- Open Problems may be of any length within the hard-limits
- The review process will be double-blind
- Please use the NIPS 2010 format for your submissions
- Submission Website
The planned submission/reviewing dates are planned as follows.- Deadline for submission of papers: 24th October 2010
- Notification of acceptance: 12th November 2010
- Final version of submission: 20th November 2010
- Workshop date: 10th December 2010
Submission Instructions
- The submissions should be ideally 4 pages long. Hard-limit: 6 pages.
- The review process will be double-blind
- Please use the NIPS 2010 format for your submissions
- Submission Website
- At least one author of each accepted paper must be available to present the paper at the workshop.